Stay connected to
your world
True Unlimited Internet
Ozarks WIFI gives you access to real unlimited internet without the hassle of gigabit limitations or slowed down speeds.
Let the Streaming begin!
Gamers. get. Ready!
Wifi speeds to keep you in the game and on top of the leaderboards! No matter how old you are!
superior customer service
We want to make every effort to ensure each part of the Ozarks WIFI family stays online and connected. Take comfort in our Superior Customer Service. Call 417-765-9434
Choose Your perfect plan
Only $99 Standard Install fee
***No Contract***
Get started today with the areas Fastest Unlimited WIFI.
With plans starting as low as $50/month.
A plan for your budget and needs.
Note: Gold and Platinum Plans may not be available in All Areas.
Some In Town Plans may vary from listed plans.
Per month
- Real Unlimited Internet
- Social Media and Video Streaming
- Email and Web Surfing
Per month
- Real Unlimited Internet
- Live Video and TV
- Social Media and Video Streaming
- Email and Web Surfing
Per month
- Real Unlimited Internet
- Multilpe Devices
- Social Media and Video Streaming
- Live Video and TV
- Email and Web Surfing
Per month
- Real Unlimited Internet
- Multi-Media, Gaming and Video
- Multilpe Devices
- Social Media and Video Streaming
- Live Video and TV
- Email and Web Surfing