Ozarks Wifi Leads The Way
With industry leading towers and technology we are your one stop solution for great internet service.
And Growing!!!
Local Network Reliability
Enjoy the best
Service &
Reliability combined together
Ozarks Wifi network is built on down home values and commitment to excellence. With new towers and technology updated regularly. We are committed to bringing you the best Service and Reliability you can find. We are ‘Your Local Ozarks Wifi’
New Tower in Wasola / Romance/ Noble / Thornfield Area.
Get Connected!

You’re just a few clicks away!
Our Team
The Ozarks Wifi team is dedicated to serving you and enthusiastic about the network that brings you the areas Fastest Real Unlimited Internet.
Contact us
With the Internet spreading like wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information. We want to be your reliable access to the world. Contact Us Today!
We're Looking For Great
Team Members!
We are accepting applications! If you are looking for employment in a cutting edge industry with great opportunities download the application and email it back to us! We would love to hear from you!